
We help you to gain health improving your physical and mental condition
Nutrimed was formed as the subsidiary of the Chilean company CENTRO MEDICO NUTRIMED, specializes in providing nutrition coaching services and medical services for more than 10 years with good results. Its founder is Maria Teresa Román.
Maria Teresa is a highly experienced Doctor with a specialty in Nutriology and Diabetology, with a master’s degree from the Catholic University in Chile. She has 17 years’ worth of experience as a clinical nutritionist specializing in nutritional coaching, and the ability to pass on her knowledge to other in-house employees for the well-being of clients.
We have online or face to face meeting. Both personalized!

What do we do?

In NUTRIMED, we offer nutritional coaching services, natural nutrition, sports nutrition advice and weight-control products.
We operate as a Florida-based company with extensive offering in the fields of nutrition and diabetology. We provide professional nutritional consulting and advice services to our clients, generating in-depth analyses of the clients’ well-being and physical health, in order to devise appropriate, tailor-made dietary and weight control programs.
 Over the past century, deficiencies of essential nutrients have dramatically decreased, many infectious diseases have been conquered, and the majority of the U.S. population can now anticipate living a longer and more productive life. At the same time, rates of chronic disease, many of which are related to poor quality diet and physical inactivity, have increased.  About half of all American adults have one or more preventable, diet-related chronic diseases.

How do we do it?

Preparing an individual Nutritional Coaching Program.


We will accompany you and provide you with tools to get rid of bad habits and create attitudes that help you through food to achieve good overall health. .

- Videoconferences: weekly or every 15 days, according to the needs of each individual                                        - Mindset to achieve your goals. Permanent communication through WhatsApp.

- Different nutritional plans according to the objectives of each individual.                                                                     - Guide with examples of menu and meals.

- Healthy recipes to include functional foods.                                     - Calculation of caloric requirements.   - Supplementation if necessary.

We focus on:

Develop effective nutritional plans that will significantly improve the health of our clients.

Nutritional coaching for athletes older than 12 years
Health coaching, for example: insomnia, bad habits
Pregnant and lactating women
Type 1 and type 2 diabetics
With overweight
Increased muscle mass
Nutrition in the exercise for kids and adults.

Do not look for a DIET that will end one day, rather start a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE that will last forever



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